Serve as Jesus Served
Dr. David Jeremiah
Put on
tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering . . . Colossians
If you want to know exactly how to serve as Jesus served, all you have
to do is look at the passage of Scripture found in Philippians 2:6-8.
1. He made
himself of no reputation
2. He took
the form of a bondservant
3. He came
in the likeness of man
4. He
humbled himself
5. He became
obedient to the point of death . . . . . .
6. even the
death of the cross
Jesus understood
something that we, as Christians, ought to take to heart regarding service
to our Lord: When God is given all the glory and honor and we remain hidden
in the background, more lives are led to Christ; and the kingdom of heaven
is enriched and enlarged. The One who deserved unending recognition for
what He did never even asked for a "thank you." He simply wanted people
to love His Father and accept His forgiveness. Strive to serve like Jesus:
with meekness, humility, and love.