"Nothing below heaven is worth setting
our hearts upon." "A heart set upon heaven is an evidence
of your sincerity." "No man can know sin perfectly, because no man can know God perfectly." "LIVING IN ANY KNOWN SIN is a great impediment to a heavenly life." "Lead your children, by your own example, to prayer and reading of the Bible." "Labour to know God, and to be affected with his attributes, and always to live as in his sight." "The Christian who concentrates on heaven is more useful to other people, and better company." "When a Christian can live above, and rejoice in the things that are not seen, God is honored by such faith." "The person who does not set his affection on things above, disobeys God and loses the most delightful discoveries of the Word of God. " "Look but to the state and torment of the damned, and think well of the difference betwixt angels and devils, and you may know what sin is." "Know and consider the wonderful love and mercy of God, and think what he has done for you; and you will hate sin, and be ashamed of it." "Think what the soul of man is made for, and should be used to, even to love, obey, and glorify our Maker; and then you will see what sin is, which disables and perverts it." "None on earth live such a life of joy and blessedness as those who are acquainted with this heavenly meditation. The joys of all other people are, by comparison, like a child's toy, or a sick man's dream of health." "How clumsy are people in doing that in which they have had little practice. Frequency will familiarize you with the work, and make it easier and more delightful. The hill which made you pant and puff the first time you climbed it, you may easily run up when you become accustomed to it." "For our sake Christ came into the world, suffered, died, rose, ascended; and for our sake He will return. He will come again to receive us unto Himself, that where He is, there we may be also. We have His word, His many promises, His ordinances, which show forth His death until He come. We have His Spirit, to direct, sanctify, and comfort until He returns. He that would come to suffer, will surely come to triumph. He that would come to purchase, will surely come to possess." "Look but to the state and torment of the damned, and think well of the difference betwixt angels and devils, and you may know what sin is.—Angels are pure; devils are polluted: holiness and sin do make the difference. Sin dwells in hell, and holiness in heaven. Remember that every temptation is from the devil, to make you like himself; as every holy motion is from Christ, to mike you like himself. Remember when you sin, that you are learning and imitating of the devil, and are so far like him, John 8:44. And the end of all is, that you may feel his pains. If hell-fire be not good, then sin is not good." "Aim at the glory of God in another person's salvation. Don't do it for your own credit or to attract followers; but do it in obedience to Christ and out of tender love for other people's souls. Do it promptly too. That physician is no better than a murderer, who negligently delays treating a patient until he is dead or incurable. Let others perceive that it is your desire to help them; that you have no other motive in mind but their everlasting happiness. Say to them, "Friend, you know I have nothing to gain in this. The easiest way to please you and keep your friendship would be to say nothing and leave you alone; but love will not let me see you perish, and remain silent. I only seek your own happiness. You are the one who will gain if you come to Christ." "Labour to know God, and to be affected with his
attributes, and always to live as in his sight.—No man can know sin perfectly,
because no man can know God perfectly. You can no further know what sin
is than you know what God is, whom you sin against; for the formal malignity
of sin is relative, as it is against the will and attributes of God. The
godly have some knowledge of the malignity of sin, because they have some
knowledge of God that is wronged by it. The wicked have no practical,
prevalent knowledge of the malignity of sin, because they have no such
knowledge of God. They that fear God will fear sinning; they that in their
hearts are bold irreverently with God, will, in heart and life, be bold
with sin: the atheist, who thinks there is no God thinks there is no sin
against him. Nothing in world will tell us so plainly and powerfully of
the evil of sin, as the knowledge of the greatness, wisdom goodness, holiness,
authority, justice, truth, &c. of God. The sense of his presence, therefore,
will revive our sense of sin’s malignity."