"Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature" - Mark 16:15

Reuben Archer Torrey

The fifteen marks of love

"God will not leave us in any self-deception or any doubt as to whether we have love or not. He gives a very plain description by which love can be known, wherever it exists, and by which its absence can be known wherever love is lacking. Love has fifteen marks, not one of which is ever wanting where love exists. We cannot dwell at great length upon each one, nor do we need to."

1. The first mark of love is that it "suffereth long."

2. The second mark of love is, it "is kind."

3. The third mark of love is, "love envieth not."

4. The fourth mark of love is that it "vaunteth not itself."

5. The fifth mark of love is that it is "not puffed up."

6. The sixth mark of love is that it "doth not behave itself unseemly,"

7. "Love seeketh not its own."

8. "Love is not provoked."

9. "Love taketh no account of evil."

10. Love "rejoiceth not in unrighteousness."

11. Love "rejoiceth with the truth."

12. "Love beareth all things."

13. "Love believeth all things."

14. "Love hopeth all things."

15. Now comes the fifteenth and last mark of all, "Love endureth all things."

Compiled by Thomas George











Why you should never vote or even associate with the Democrat Party as their entire platform is not Biblical