"Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature" - Mark 16:15

Christian Leaders of the Present

Christian Preachers of today

Christian Leaders of the Present

Mike Barber Dr. Robert G. Grant Rod Parsley
David Barton Dr. John Hagee John Piper
Rob Bell Benny Hinn Pat Robertson
Dr. Mark Chironna Bill Hybels James Robison
Chuck Colson T. D. Jakes Dr. Nasir Siddiki
Kenneth Copeland Dr. David Jeremiah Dr. Robert Schuller
Luis Cortès Dr. D. James Kennedy Jay Alan Sekulow
Paul Crouch Tim and Beverly LaHaye Pastor: Andy Stanley
Dr. James C. Dobson Dr. Richard Land Dr. Charles Stanley
Dr. Creflo Dollar Max Lucado Stephen Strang
Jesse Duplantis Pastor: Miles McPherson Leonard Sweet
Stuart Epperson Joyce Meyer Chuck Swindoll
Jonathan Falwell Richard John Neuhaus Rick Warren
Michael Gerson Mark Noll Ralph Winter
Billy Graham Joel Osteen Pastor Ed Young Sr.
Franklin Graham    

Compiled by Thomas George










Why you should never vote or even associate with the Democrat Party as their entire platform is not Biblical